DRIVERS in Wales have seemingly come up with a new way to protest against the incoming 20mph speed limits.

From September 17, most 30mph speed limits in Wales are changing to 20mph.

This will make Wales one of the world’s first countries to have a default 20mph limit. 

This is, according to the Welsh Government, to 'keep our communities safer and improve quality of life'.

In the lead up to the introduction of Welsh Government’s new legislation for 20mph speed limits, eight communities across Wales were selected for the first phase of the national programme. ‌​‌‌‌​‌‌‍‌​‌‌‌​‌​‍‌​‌‌‌​‌​

As part of this Phase One Settlement Scheme, 20mph speed restrictions were introduced in Buckley, Mynydd Isa, New Brighton, Drury, Burntwood, Bryn y Baal and Alltami on February 28, 2022.

And, although generally in favour of 20mph on residential estates and around schools, hundreds of residents expressed concerns about its introduction on main roads and streets.


The Welsh Government has just recently released a list of what people need to know about the 20mph speed limit once before it is implemented.

And now drivers have seemingly taken matters into their own hands to once again protest against the impending change.

Social media group members are urging motorists who oppose the plans to tie a red ribbon or flag to their cars.

That serves as a whitty reminder of the early days of motoring when a man with a red flag had to walk in front of slow-moving cars.

The Locomotive Act 1865 became known as the Red Flag Act, thanks to its extraordinary stipulation that any self-propelled road vehicle had to be preceded by a person walking at least 60 yards ahead, carrying a red flag.

Reports suggest that the red ribbon protests began in South Wales and within a day or two were followed by others in the north.

Buckley was one of those areas where scheme was initially trialled.

The Buckley Residents Group on Facebook has held discussions about supporting the red ribbon trend.

One member said: "Many groups throughout Wales are starting to display a red ribbon on the fronts of cars ( as a sarcastic reminder of the early days of motoring when a man with a red flag had to walk in front of slow moving cars). If you oppose the WG 20mph scheme please join by trying a red ribbon to the front of your car."

Another added: "A good idea to show your opposition to this crazy scheme. Will hunt out some red ribbon to put on my car."

A third wrote: "Great idea, the roads were very safe at 30 mph why change, 20 will cause more accidents not less, not that I remember any accidents at 30. The cost of this ridiculous scheme is horrendous this money could be spent on something thats really needed."