A YOUNG girl had a lucky escape after bricks falling from a derelict building nearly landed on her.

Kerry Delaney said her 11-year-old daughter, Sophie, was walking past an old building on the corner of New Brighton Road and the A5026 in Bagillt when the incident occurred.

"She was yards away when all the bricks came tumbling off the building," Kerry said.

"She's really shaken up by at it, as am I. She could so easily have been very seriously hurt. She got some dust in her eyes but otherwise was unharmed."

The Leader: Kerry Delaney's 11-year-old daughter was yards away from being hit by the bricks.Kerry Delaney's 11-year-old daughter was yards away from being hit by the bricks. (Image: User generated content)

Kerry wants to raise awareness of the dangers the building poses. 

"People walk past it every day and it's only a matter of time before someone is badly hurt," she said. 


Matthew Parry-Davies, Flintshire County Council service manager, said: “Following receipt of a report of masonry falling from the building onto the adjacent public footway, a subsequent site inspection and meeting has taken place with the building owner who had instigated immediate measures to make safe so as to protect members of the public from harm.

"A Chartered Structural Engineer has also since carried out a site inspection of the property and has confirmed that the building is stable following the removal of the loose brickwork and roof members. Periodic inspections will be undertaken to monitor the condition of the building.”

The Leader:

Other Bagillt residents have raised their concerns over the building on social media. 

One person said: "It’s been reported so many times, by so many people. The whole place is unsafe and needs pulling down.

"It was only a matter of time before this happened and only a matter of time again before something worse happens.

"I hope I’m wrong, but it’s awful having to past it every day for fear of what might happen."

Another added: "They seriously need to do something about it, it’s an accident waiting to happen."