A DEVOTED AFC fan from New York is keen to garner support for the Wrexham Foodbank. 

Wrexham Foodbank has been contacted by Jay, a Wrexham AFC fan based in New York, USA, who has resonated with the story of Wrexham and is keen to support the footbank.

In collaboration with Jay, the International Dragon Fund was launched on Wednesday, 2nd August with a Just Giving page established to encourage international fans to donate to Wrexham Foodbank.

Jay is the driving force behind this initiative and, naturally, the foodbank has welcomed his amazing support which will certainly make a difference in our community.

Jay learned about Wrexham by watching the 'Welcome to Wrexham' documentary, claiming that he immediately identified with the town and its people. 

Jay said: "While watching the documentary, I felt like I was watching the story of my own town and my friends and neighbours on TV. I said to myself, 'I know these people, I grew up with them.'

"I think this is why so many international fans feel a strong affinity towards this town. The Wrexham story is one that many of us know and some of us experienced first-hand.

"When I purchased an international membership to Wrexham AFC, I assumed I was making a £30 donation to the club and I would never actually be fortunate enough to buy a ticket to games, and I was OK with that. When the unexpected happened and I found myself with a ticket to the opening game on August 5th, the next thing I thought was; “What can I do to benefit the community while I’m there and possibly after I leave?

"I was struggling to come up with an idea until I ran across a post by Leighton Cox, he was volunteering at The Wrexham Foodbank, that was the inspiration I was looking for, and I knew what I needed to do!

"When I learned that The Wrexham Foodbank provide support for 180 different agencies to help fill a need for people going through a tough time, I was impressed by their reach and knew any funds raised by International Dragons would have an immediate impact on a community many of us around the world have grown very fond of."


Unfortunately, food insecurity is a global problem and is present in most communities around the world; we should all do our part to help our neighbours.

Suzanne Nantcurvis, Chair of Trustees from Wrexham Foodbank, said: Our warehouse stock is worryingly low because so many people who would normally donate food are struggling themselves. Consequently, we are spending a large amount of money buying food so that we can make up our nutritional parcels. 

"Not only will the support we get from the International Dragon Fund be so much appreciated, but it will also raise the spirits of those of us who work at Wrexham Foodbank knowing that there is so much kindness and generosity coming to our community from other parts of the world.

Jay wants to thank the Wrexham community for sharing its people, town, stories and Club with the world.