A WOMAN from Wrexham who spat in a police officer’s face has been jailed.

Sophie McGrath, 25, of Bryn Estyn Road, was sentenced to 26 weeks’ imprisonment at Wrexham Magistrates’ Court yesterday. (July 25).

She had previously pleaded guilty to using threatening behaviour, obstructing a constable, and assaulting an emergency worker.

The court heard that she exhibited threatening behaviour on Abbot Street, Wrexham on May 14, and the following week, May 21, obstructed a constable and spat in the officer's face in an incident on the same road.


McGrath was subject to post-custodial supervision at the time, the court heard.

The police officer had asked her to get into a police vehicle when she spat in his face.

District Judge Gwyn Jones said: “It’s clear that the saliva made contact with the face of the officer.

“No doubt, that officer would have felt extremely defiled.”