A MIXED abilities club which aims to integrate people with special needs into the community has received appreciation awards.

Mold and Buckley Contact Club started just over 40 years ago, running weekly sessions and carrying out different activities.

On Wednesday July, 19, the club held an award night for their members where they had party food and a disco held by Mike Alan.

Members were awarded certificates and medals to show how much the club appreciates them attending and helping on a weekly basis.


Vicky Lee, assistant club leader, said: "Connect Club is a great group to belong to. They are all like one big family who all support each other so that's why we did the award night, to show the clubs appreciation to all that attend."

30 disabled adults of all abilities between the ages of 18 and 50 attend the club every Wednesday.

Activities include hosting dance workshops, discos, cooking sessions, sports night, first aid and craft sessions.