A man who caused his victim to have a fractured skull and a bleed on the brain with one push has been sentenced.

Graham Ellis, of Broncoed Park in Mold, appeared at Mold Crown Court on Thursday afternoon for sentence.

The 33-year-old had admitted that on December 11, 2021, he unlawfully and maliciously wounded a man named Shaun James Bedford.

Ryan Rothwell, prosecuting, told the court that on the day of the offence, Mr Bedford had spent the evening drinking and between midnight and 1am, he found himself at the Feathers Inn, in Whitford Street, Holywell.

The court heard he was "fairly intoxicated," enjoying the Christmas spirit by singing and dancing at the venue.

He recalled leaving the pub to take his taxi, but nothing after that.

Mr Rothwell explained how at 12.53am, a passing police vehicle spotted Mr Bedford lying flat and unconscious on the pavement outside the pub.

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People were trying to help him, but he was "unresponsive for some time."

Nobody knew what had happened to him, but a review of the pub's CCTV identified a tall, stocky man of interest.

Images were circulated by police in March 2022, with the defendant giving himself in at Mold Police Station very soon after.

He told police he'd been in a "scuffle" and wanted the matter sorted.
Ellis accepted he was the one responsible for pushing the victim out of the pub.

Mr Rothwell told the court it was accepted by the Crown Prosecution Service that the matter was a "one push scenario" in which the victim had gone "flying" out of the door and landed on the ground, where he was rendered unconscious.

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The victim spent two days in hospital after examinations confirmed he'd fractured his cheekbone and the right side of his skull.

He had a small bleed on the brain and a chipped tooth.

Alexandra Carrier, defending, told the court: "Your Honour sees in the pre-sentence report that there is ample awareness of the consequences, which is not often seen.

"He knows this only took place because of drinking too much.

"He pushed Mr Bedford too hard and didn't consider there was a lip on the door which was a trip hazard.

"As soon as he became aware this matter happened, he handed himself in to the police and was honest and open."

Recorder Greg Bull told the defendant: "No doubt Mr Bedford was unable to protect himself when he fell because he too had had a lot to drink.

"The fact you'd also had a lot to drink is an aggravating feature, as is the location this occurred.

The Leader:

"I accept you're genuinely remorseful, but you had no business pushing him - you must have pushed pretty hard for him to fall in the way he did."

Recorder Bull handed down a ten month custodial sentence, but suspended it for 18 months.

Ellis must pay the victim £1,000 in compensation, as well as paying a £128 victim surcharge.

Recorder Bull added: "I make no other orders in this case - I thought about unpaid work, but I am impressed by your hard work ethic and attachment to proper family values, which will encroach on any work I order you to do."