A MAN who launched a "wild" drunken attack on another person outside a pub has been sentenced.

Brandon Robinson, of Mill Lane in Buckley, appeared at Mold Crown Court for sentence on Thursday.

The 24-year-old had previously admitted that on July 2 last year, he unlawfully and maliciously wounded a man named Leon Archer in Buckley.

Alexandra Carrier, prosecuting, told the court Mr Archer had attended the Black Lion Pub and was socialising through the night with friends.

The victim accepted that by the time the pub closed, he was drunk.

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As he left, he recalled being struck to the face from behind, causing him to fall - but he has little to no recollection of events after that.

The court heard that in a completely unprovoked attack, Robinson punched the victim to the face twice and tried to kick him - in a state of intoxication.

In hospital, Mr Archer required facial reconstruction surgery as his top lip had been "split in two."

The incident has caused permanent scarring on his face and he also sustained a fractured ankle.

In a victim statement read to the court by Ms Carrier, Mr Archer explained: "I have been left with severe pain to my right ankle.

"It took time to heal; I had to wear a boot for eight weeks.

"Following the assault, I have scarring, numbness and sensitivity.

"I couldn't bear to look at myself in the mirror because it terrified me.

"I don't know who assaulted me or why - there was no reason to assault me.

"This has had a big impact on my already fragile mental health. I'm living on a knife-edge and can't relax."

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Richard Edwards, defending, began by telling the court: "The defendant has no recollection of this incident due to his level of intoxication."

Recorder Greg Bull replied: "That's plain to see on the CCTV - he's as drunk as a skunk."

Mr Edwards continued: "He can't explain how he came to be involved in this incident and recognises that his behaviour was totally inappropriate.

"He doesn't seek to offer any excuse and is genuinely remorseful for what happened.

"At the time of the offence, he'd been taking alcohol and cocaine to excess, it seems as a means of coping with the breakdown of a relationship.

"The defendant realises he has an issue with alcohol and has tried to do something about it.

"He has sought assistance through his GP and has done drug and alcohol counselling through Cais."

The Leader:

Recorder Bull told the defendant: "You acted in a wild and violent fashion for no reason. The only explanation put forward is that you were drunk.

"Having viewed the CCTV footage, I am satisfied you were very, very drunk

"And I'm afraid that's an aggravating feature, rather than a mitigating one, in cases such as this.

"There was no provocation here - it was just a wild blow of such force as to floor Mr Archer.

"He is still suffering, and will for many years to come."

Robinson received a two year term of imprisonment, but it was suspended for two years.

He must undertake 20 days of rehabilitation work and a 100 day alcohol abstinence monitoring requirement, as well as 200 hours of unpaid work.

Recorder Bull ordered him to pay £2,000 in compensation to the victim, as well as £425 costs and a £187 victim surcharge.