A SHOPLIFTER who told Spar store staff he'd changed his ways went on to steal food immediately after, a court heard.

Andrew Price, of Linden Avenue in Chirk, appeared at Wrexham Magistrates Court on Monday.

The 32-year-old admitted that on January 25 this year, he stole bacon, mince and two pasties belonging to Spar in Ruabon.

Prosecutor Justin Espie told the court Price entered Ruabon Service Station at around 1pm and was recognised by staff as he was banned.

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When reminded of this, he told staff he had "changed," and was allowed in.

But when CCTV footage was checked later, it was discovered he'd selected a number of items and concealed them in a bag before leaving with them without paying.

The items, collectively worth £12, were not recovered.

Euros Jones, defending, told the court that his client had appeared before the court on June 26 and received a 12 month community order for a number of matters including theft.

The Leader:

Had the January 25 offence been dealt with at that point, it wouldn't have affected the overall sentence, he added.

Mr Jones asked the court to consider imposing a conditional discharge, explaining that whilst Price had missed some appointments, he had been adhering to his court order on the whole.

The court agreed the offence should have been dealt with earlier, imposing a 12 month conditional discharge and ordering Price to pay £26 by way of a victim surcharge, and £12 in compensation to Spar.