WREXHAM residents have called on the council to do more after some homes were "ruined" by flash flooding. 

Torrential downpours during thunderstorms on Saturday left some homes in the Caia Park area badly damaged by flooding - which included sewage.

Kimberley Jones lives in the Cefndre area - which was badly affected by flash flooding on Saturday. 

She said: "We managed to just about save our property but my poor next door neighbour got flooded straight through. We have had to rip all carpets up and take her furniture out the house as it’s ruined."

The Leader: Flood damage to the home on Cefndre in Caia Park.Flood damage to the home on Cefndre in Caia Park. (Image: User generated content)

Kimberley is calling on Wrexham Council to do more to protect residents. 

"We have aired our views about them not putting the metal fencing on the front as it leaves us vulnerable to the road continually flooding," she said. 

"We are told by the council not to stress as they would build a concrete ledge of depth to protect us before putting the fence up but again this did not happen. The firefighters who helped us last night said three out of four drains on the road are severely blocked and this has contributed to the flooding, which again we have told the council."

She added: "Apart from myself and the lady who was flooded, the rest of the residents on my row are elderly. It’s not acceptable that each time we report issues, send pictures and beg for help we are not being listened too. It’s really sad we are being left to struggle."


The Leader: Where the water came up at the property can be seen. Where the water came up at the property can be seen. (Image: User generated content)

Steven Cartwright's property on Almond Grove in Caia Park was also flooded. 

He said: "The drain outside my house is blocked and has been for months. I reported it seven months ago after flooding - but nothing's been done. We're constantly being fobbed off, and the council and the water board seem to be passing the book to each other.

"Thankfully I have tiled flooring where the water came in. But something needs to be done to stop this."

The Leader: Flood damaged furniture had to be taken out of the property. Flood damaged furniture had to be taken out of the property. (Image: User generated content)

Steven has been living at the property for 20 years, and says flooding has only become an issue there in the last year. 

Caia Park county councillor, Carrie Harper, said: "The fire service responded quickly and they told residents that blocked drains were part of the problem. They managed to unblock one but three others remain blocked. This is something that urgently needs looking at.

“Residents also said they tried calling the council’s out-of-hours emergency number but were told it was an issue for Welsh Water. They also asked about sandbags but couldn’t get any: these may well have prevented flooding in one or two properties had they been available."

She added: “Clear lines of communication are definitely something that needs to be improved. That this happened on a Saturday didn’t help, but we have seen more of these storms this year and may be getting more in the future.

“Flood barriers may need looking at. The flooding was pretty bad in Gwersyllt and residents in New Broughton feel the amount of flooding has coincided with the number of new properties built there, overloading drains on what is a part of a flood plain.”