READERS have had their say on what they would like to bring back to the centre of Wrexham if they could.

Our high street and town has changed so much over the last few decades.

Residents showed a lot of nostalgia over big brand names now missing - BHS, Blockbusters and the Eccleston's Bakery Shops.

We asked Leaderlive readers on our Facebook page what they would like to bring back to the town centre if they could and here were the most common responses;

The Leader:

Chicago Rock Cafe was certainly the most popular response. Residents would do anything to have one final catch-up over coffee and breakfast in Chicago's. The cafe shut in 2013 before going under the hammer in 2021.

Who remembers Scott's Nightclub? The venue was located on Brook Street and was once an arcade before turning into the club. It seems the hits and sticky floor made those late nights memorable!

A J Brown Tony said: "Scott's night club. Had some great times there."

Vicki White said: "Monday market how it was on the Asda carpark and good old shops we once had back in the 90's."

Many independent and well known businesses were named, but one most had nostalgia for was Woolworths. It used to be a weekend treat to visit Woolworths, or Wollies, a much-loved store in the town centre for decades. The store opened in Hope Street in 1931 and closed back in 2009 losing over 70 members of staff. 

Emma Louise said: "A lot of things, Wrexham was such a lovely place when I was growing up."

Pete Taz Evans said: "Bake and Take for curry and chips after a day on the beer."

Phase One Record Shop was brought back to life by the team behind the once hugely popular store for a record fair recently, after closing in 2005. Based on King St, the shop was run by a group of friends and passionate music-fans.

Sian Jarvis misses the Old Asda Anwar Cafe and said: "Miss the pie and gravy and plain scones with jam and cream."

And what about Wright's Corner? The outfitters store was a huge hit with residents back in the day, situated along Queen Street where B.H.S also used to be. It had four floors and catered to men, women and children, even providing uniforms for the local schools. 

Eleri Davies misses "The hustle and bustle of a thriving market town."


Sian Alex Griffiths said: "There were more opportunities for theatre productions and music events back in the day. They used to do area theatre productions."

Other mentions include The Talbot for those who enjoyed the music scene, the 242-year-old brand Debenhams which faded from Eagles Meadow in 2021, and TG Hughes which has since been transformed into a science and discovery centre.

And how can anyone forget Littlewoods? Like BHS, Littlewoods sold a variety of low-cost clothing and household goods. Littlewoods was a strong presence in Wrexham and its closure in 2002 marked the passing of a retail era. 

But, what could be next for Wrexham's high street in the upcoming years?