A COUPLE found themselves being arrested after becoming abusive with police during a traffic stop, a court heard.

Dean Hughes and Lindsey Vogel, both of Branstree Avenue in Liverpool, appeared at Mold Magistrates Court on Thursday.

Hughes, 41, admitted using threatening or abusive words or behaviour on the A55 at Northop Hall on May 21 - as did his 42-year-old co-defendant.

Siriol Jones, prosecuting, told the court that on the day of the offence, police pulled over an Audi estate vehicle on the A55 after forming a suspicion that there was "a person in the boot."

When the vehicle stopped, Hughes got out and became "abrupt and aggressive" with officers, telling them he was "fuming."

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Police asked him to watch his language, to which he responded: "I can swear if I want."

Vogel then told officers a family member had died and they were upset.

Officers noted she had blood on her knuckles and asked why, she said she didn't know - then said she'd been "punching the roof" of the car she'd been in.

Hughes was arrested, following which Vogel screamed the officers were "out of order," telling them her partner had "done nothing wrong."

She became further agitated and tried to open the cell door on the police car, at which point Hughes began headbutting the window and hurling derogatory remarks at officers.

Vogel continued to remonstrate, screaming obscenities at the police and telling them: "Don't touch me - get your f****** hands off me."

And when she became "irrational," rolling up her sleeves and waving her arms around, she was arrested.

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She continued to hurl abuse, some of it homophobic in nature, at the officers.

The pair defended themselves at the hearing, and when asked by Deputy District Judge Paul Conlon what he wished to say about the offences, Hughes said: "We got assaulted by your police officers - when we got arrested, we didn't have black eyes.

"When we came out of the police station, we did.

"My partner was covered in bruises."

But the Deputy District Judge asked him if he and his partner accepted they had acted abusively towards the officers.

"Yes," he conceded.

Vogel told the court: "The only reason I got aggressive was when they sat me in the car, my daughter started crying. I started kicking off and they threw me on the floor and tied me up.

The Leader:

"I shouldn't have been tied up like that. They made me wee myself and left me in my wee; that's why I was fuming.

"They left me with no pants on all night and turned the water off so I had nothing to drink."

Both defendants received the same sentence; a £200 fine, £80 victim surcharge and £85 costs.