ACTON Community Council has awarded its first ever community spirit recognition award to a young girl who reunited a lost boy with his parents.

In February of this year, 13-year-old Maisy Dawson's quick thinking and mature actions helped reunite a little boy with his parents after she noticed that he was on his own.

The Leader:

Maisy raised the alarm, notifying nearby resident Tim Walley, and the situation was quickly resolved. 

Tim said: "Maisy was great that day, potentially stopping a serious situation. We need more people like Maisy and we need to share these good news stories more often."

Maisy was given the award at the community council meeting held on June, 21, along with her younger sister and parents Martin and Nicki Dawson who say they are hugely proud of their daughter's achievement.


Becca Martin, Acton Community Counsellor, said: "We are incredibly happy to be able to reward Maisy's actions back in February; She is a credit to the community and has sparked the idea of a "community spirit" award."

Acton Community Council plan to give out awards to local residents quarterly going forward.

If you would like to nominate someone you think has shown outstanding community spirit, please contact the Clerk to the council on: