THE SENEDD is to debate a petition calling for a referendum on the blanket 20mph scheme on Welsh roads.

It has received more than 21,000 signatures and is calling on the Welsh Government to scrap the rollout of the scheme in September.

Today, the Welsh Government's Senedd will debate the petition. The debate can be viewed online at

This petition states: "The decision is not representative of the broader public opinion and as such, it is not democratic to implement the changes. An alteration to road laws on this scale should be subject to much more extensive polling or possibly as part of a Welsh referendum on the matter.

"The use of speed bumps and 20mph zones in built-up areas and near schools is a generally accepted practice for the safety of children and adults. The widening of these measures could lead to an increase in "road rage" incidents and currently appears to be nothing more than a revenue stream for people to pay fines when they are caught speeding (when they are traveling at a safe speed).

"The new speed changes will disproportionately affect the commute times of people traveling by road for work, especially in areas where most roads are currently 30mph and have no bypass roads with higher speed limits."

Sam Rowlands, Member of the Senedd for North Wales, is urging Labour and Plaid members of the Senedd to support their constituents and vote against plans to introduce a blanket nationwide 20mph speed limit across Wales.

Mr Rowlands, Shadow Minister for Local Government, and a harsh critic of the proposals has previously said the idea is "bonkers" and supports campaigners in Buckley, who have continually voiced their concern at the decision.

Earlier this summer, Mr Rowlands asked people living in Buckley and the surrounding areas for their feedback with the overwhelming majority totally against the proposal. Over 600 people responded with the overwhelming majority, with over 98 per cent against the proposals and many of the comments said it was not needed and a total waste of money.

He said: “It really is quite staggering but not surprising that so many people signed the petition against this ridiculous decision to introduce a blanket 20mph on our roads. The petition was growing every day and the Senedd’s Petitions Committee stepped in to stop it and asked the Senedd to look at the matter again.

“There is so much overwhelming evidence that this will not be a good thing for the country, not only from a financial point of view but it could also increase pollution as everyone will be driving with higher revs and changing gears all the time. And to top it off, the minister leading the charge on this, Lee Waters, even admitted last week that he “got it wrong”, it is absolutely bonkers."

READ MORE: MS 'inundated' with complaints from 'furious people across Wales' about 20mph scheme

He added: “Like most people I am not against 20mph speed limit outside schools, hospitals and other areas where evidence shows it’s a benefit, but a blanket 20mph speed limit across urban roads in Wales is not the answer.

“My inbox is full of emails from concerned residents across North Wales and I would urge my fellow Labour and Plaid MSs to support their constituents and vote against the proposal and together we can put pressure on Welsh Government to scrap this ridiculous plan."

A statement on the Welsh Government's 'Safer at 20mph' page claims that 'The evidence from around the world is very clear – reducing speed limits reduces collisions and saves lives'.

It adds that a recent public health study estimated that the 20mph default speed limit could result in 40% fewer collisions and save 6 to 10 lives every year.

Ultimately, local councils will reportedly have the final say on which streets should remain at 30mph.