A MAN from Chirk has avoided an immediate jail sentence after he attacked three people in an incident that involved a knife.

Tom Redman, of Hand Terrace in Chirk, assaulted Debra Hughes at a house in the town on November 15, last year, causing her actual bodily harm.

He also assaulted Jazmin Jones by beating her - of which there were two separate charges - and assaulted Eric Hughes by beating him.

The 29-year-old also had a quantity of cocaine in his possession, the court was told.


Redman pleaded guilty to all five charges last month at Wrexham Maelor Magistrates' Court and was sentenced on Wednesday, June 21.

Magistrates sentenced Redman to 26 weeks in prison for the ABH charge and six weeks for each of the beating charges to run concurrently.

They told him only a custodial sentence could be justified because of the nature of the offence and that a knife was involved.

However, they agreed to suspend the sentence for 12 months because they believe there is a "realistic prospect" that Redman can rehabilitate and as such made a rehabilitation activity order.

He also received a restraining order not to contact any of the victims, or to enter two locations in Wrexham county, for the next two years.

He must pay Debra Hughes £100 compensation.

Magistrates did not issue a separate penalty for the cocaine charge but ordered the forfeiture and destruction of it, and they also ordered the forfeiture and destruction of the knife.

Redman must also pay £400 court costs and £154 victim surcharge.