A COUNCILLOR has warned residents not to feed feral peacocks which are proving a "nightmare" in the community. 

Glyn Ceiriog councillor, Trevor Bates, took to social media over the issues surrounding the birds in the village. 

He said: "Peacocks may be beautiful but they are becoming a problem in Glyn Ceiriog. 

"They don't belong to anyone, and to some they are wonderful but to others they are vermin. They are damaging roof tiles, destroying gardens and they defacate everywhere. They make loud noises on rooftops at first light.

"Peacocks are not a protected species so if you love them - stop feeding them, stop annoying your neighbours."

The Leader:

The peacocks are said to have spread in the village after the death of their owner in 2016. At that point, there were about 30 roaming the grounds.

Cllr Bates said: "About 24 were rehomed but the rest weren't caught and they have been breeding. 

"My post was hoping that people would stop feeding them or someone might rehome them, but they are difficult to catch and now they do not belong to anyone. They are not protected in the UK as they are not native birds."


Around 10-12 remain in the village, and the issue has proven divisive among local residents - who took to social media to discuss the matter. 

One person said they are "causing havoc". Another resident said: "It is a real nightmare of a problem for some of us. Maybe as a community we can find a solution, as clearly some people love them, but unless you constantly have the problem daily you will not understand how it has become a huge problem for some of us."

The Leader: A peacock in Glyn Ceiriog. A peacock in Glyn Ceiriog. (Image: User generated content)

A further commentor said: "We live on the high street and had huge issues a few years ago with about 15 that would congregate in my back garden and scare my kids. But to be fair I haven't seen one at all this year."

However, others were quick to defend the birds.

One person said: "Personally, I don't find them to be an issue at all. They are nowhere near as noisy as they used to be before a lot were removed. 

"I certainly wouldn't class them as vermin, they're very much a part of the valley."

Another added: "They visit our garden daily and do their dancing on our roof. They have never damaged anything at our house or in our garden. We were delighted that some escaped capture and still visit us daily. Love watching tourists, particularly children, being totally enchanted by their presence."

An RSPCA spokesperson said: “Peacocks - which are native to India - are usually kept as free-roaming ornamental birds on large estates in the UK but if you see them out and about in other areas then they may have escaped from a private collection.

“Peacock calls are best described as shrill raucous shrieks. In the breeding season (April to September), peacocks will call loudly to advertise their presence to peahens. They tend to make most noise early in the morning at dawn, and late in the evening during the breeding season. Peacocks will also naturally moult at the end of the breeding season, usually from late July to September, so it is normal for them to lose some of their tail feathers at this time of year. 

“If the peacock is sick or injured or if there are any animal welfare concerns please call us on 0300 1234 999. Noise complaints should be directed to the local authority. 

“The legislative framework concerning peacocks is complex, but we would be against any actions to harm these birds and hope a resolution in the community can be made that prioritises their safety and welfare.”

The Leader: