A RANDOM act of kindness saw a Wrexham resident pay for a gentleman's shop in the Farmfoods store.

A gentleman, who has asked to remain anonymous, was paying for his items when his card was declined at the till, and the lady behind him in the queue immediately offered to cover the cost.

He said: "I was taken aback by the kindness of a stranger to offer to pay for my shopping. I am very grateful and will definitely be paying it forward in the future."

On Facebook, the gentleman's wife found the lady who had paid for his goods by posting about it in the Wrexham Town Matters social group.

She said: "I just wanted to help him out. I don't want the money back. Pass on the gesture when you can."


Residents were moved by the stranger's act of kindness.

Marta Oleksiuk said: "I once witnessed the cashier at Farmfoods paying for an older man's shopping as he was struggling to pay and was going to leave some of the essentials out. It is so good to know that there are good people in the world."

Carl Hughes said: "Amazing. It's nice to read a nice thing once in a while."

Luckily there are some generous people about to offer their help in moments of need.