A POLICE boss expressed his disappointment after an increase in people making off from Wrexham and Flintshire businesses without paying for goods or services.

Freedom of Information figures obtained from North Wales Police by the Leader reveals how many offences of making off without payment were reported to the force in Wrexham and Flintshire for 2022 and 2023 (January to May).

According to the data, there was a total of 179 such offences in Flintshire last year - the vast majority of which (133) were committed at petrol stations.

Smaller numbers of the offences were committed at restaurants, repair garages, in a taxi, at a shop and at a hairdresser - but 19 were 'not recorded' as to the type.

The data shows that in Wrexham last year there was a total of 168 making off without payment offences.

READ MORE: The most common places in Wrexham and Flintshire where people leave without paying

Again, the majority (123) of these related to petrol stations, followed by incidents which didn't have a type recorded (17).

But like Flintshire, smaller numbers of the offences related to other locations including: taxis, pubs, a hotel, a repair garage and a restaurant.

The annual total for both counties in 2022 represented an increase on the previous year, which saw 98 in Flintshire and 106 in Wrexham.

North Wales Police and Crime Commissioner Andy Dunbobbin said: “It is disappointing to see an increase in instances of people making off without paying for goods and services in North Wales. 

"This is a type of crime that affects us all, from business owners losing money through theft of goods and services, to the staff who are on the frontline of these crimes when they happen, right through to consumers, who often have to pay higher prices to counter losses by shops and service providers. 

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"Ultimately, we all lose out when making off without payment happens, and this is something we can ill afford when we are still recovering from the pandemic and are all facing increased cost of living pressures which are having a profound effect on individuals, families and businesses. 

"We know about the links between poverty, lack of opportunity and crime and I hope that the increase in making off without paying we have seen can be reduced through business owners, police and the community working together to combat these crimes and their root causes in society.”

The data also confirms that between January and May this year, Flintshire has seen 74 offences and Wrexham has seen 77.