TWO men have been jailed for their roles in a fight which caused 'mayhem' on the streets of Wrexham.

William Evans Sr, 47, William Evans Jr, 27, and Thomas Evans, 20, of Jones Street in Rhos and Richard Thomas, 37, of Ceiriog Road, appeared before Mold Crown Court for sentencing on Tuesday, June 13.

They had each previously entered guilty pleas to a charge of affray.

The three Evans' had done so at Wrexham Magistrates Court on July 15, 2022, while Thomas - having initially pleaded not guilty - later entered a guilty plea just five days before his trial in April of this year.

Dafydd Roberts, prosecuting, told the court that the incident in question took place at around 6.30pm on August 28, 2021 on a 'busy' Wrexham high street.

The fight - which lasted around five minutes in total - was captured on CCTV which was played in court.

Mr Roberts said the 'background' to the fight involved Samantha Davies - who was previously given a community order of 18 months for her part in the incident - and with who Thomas had previously been in a relationship.

At the time though, Davies was in a relationship with Evans Jr - and this was thought to be the cause of the fight.

It was said that Richard Thomas had been 'in town drinking' before the fight broke out. He was then told that 'a group were after him', Mr Roberts said.

The CCTV footage played out in court showed Evans Jr 'bouncing around' in the street.

Richard Thomas and Jon Platt - who was also previously given a community order of 18 months for his role - can be seen approaching the Evans' and Evans Sr is the first to arm himself with a chair during the incident.

Thomas Evans is then seen throwing 'something' before picking up a beer bottle, then Evans Jr intervenes to take the bottle from him and put it down.

The Leader:

PIC: Evans jr and Thomas were jailed at Mold Crown Court.

Chairs can be seen being thrown several times during the incident with Platt being struck by one and left 'disorientated' as a result.

Richard Thomas can be seen throwing a chair back in the incident before an 'exchange of punches' takes place between him and Evans Jr.

Around eight minutes into the footage, three marked police cars arrive at the scene as the defendants scatter.

Children were present during the fighting and some members of the public 'bravely' tried to stop it from escalating, the court was told.

Anna Price, defending Richard Thomas, said that he was not the 'initial main aggressor' in the incident, but accepted that he had an 'appalling criminal record'.

It was said by Judge Nicolas Parry that Thomas Evans had been 'more involved than anyone', having kicked Platt while he was on the ground during the fight.

But, Alexandra Carrier defending him said that he had 'done some growing up in the meantime', being just 18 at the time of the offence. 

Gemma Gordon, defending Evans Sr, said that he had 'kept out of trouble' since that incident and had a 'realistic propsect' of being rehabilitated.


Ms Gordon, also defending Evans Jr, concluded that he was someone who had a 'number of issues he still needs to deal with' including alcohol misuse.

Passing down sentences to all four defendants, Judge Parry said: "You decided to bring your private grievances into public and cause mayhem."

He added that there was 'sustained violence' during the incident and that Richard Thomas had been 'persistent' during the incident and that Thomas Evans had 'ignored opportunities to calm down'.

Richard Thomas was sentenced to 12 months in prison and Evans Jr was sentenced to six months in prison.

Thomas Evans was sentenced to six months in prison, suspended for 18 months. He will have to complete 20 days or rehabilitation activities and 150 hours of unpaid work.

Evans Sr was sentenced to six months in prison, suspended for 18 months. He must carry out 100 hours of unpaid work and complete 19 thinking skills sessions, as well as 10 days of rehabilitation activities.