PLANS for a housing development in Flint have been resubmitted after being dismissed by the planning inspectorate last year on appeal.

Flintshire Council has received an outline application seeking permission to build up to 18 homes on land at Tan Y Bryn, off Bryn Road.

Reasons given by the planning inspector for refusal were potential overdevelopment and concerns about the highway layout, including the width of Bryn Road.

The exact number of homes the applicant wishes to develop is unknown at this stage but they say the layout of the site would allow for up to 18 dwellings.

Further details about the proposed development have been reserved for the full planning application stage but a statement submitted with the outline application says: “Layout of the site could deliver approximately 18 dwellings with a row of dwellings fronting Bryn Road with dwellings set behind.

“Access would be from a central point along the frontage of the site with improvements to the width of Bryn Road and footway along the length of the site frontage and internal road and footways serving the dwellings within the site.

“The council acknowledges a need throughout Flintshire to develop suitable and sustainable greenfield sites due to an absence of suitable previously developed sites through allocation of the land.

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“The council cannot ignore its housing need position. The need for housing is acute and ongoing. The development comprises sustainable development, sustainable located on previously developed land in a sustainable and accessible key settlement.”

A design and access statement submitted with the application adds: “The development re-uses previously developed land in an accessible location close to walking and public transport routes.

“The dwellings will incorporate measures to reduce water and electricity consumption and the developer has the choice at reserved matters stage to consider the desirability to incorporate other decarbonising measures - including the provision of car charging points, solar or other renewable technologies.”

Road upgrades are also proposed, according to the design and access statement.

“The existing road network serves the development with upgrades to Bryn Road proposed”, it adds.

“This takes the opportunity the development delivers to secure improvements to pedestrian route and enhanced accessibility for both users of the development and the wider community.”

A highways appeal statement that addresses some of the issues raised with the previous application can also be found amongst the documents contained with this one in the planning section of the council’s website.

Flintshire Council planners will make a decision on the application at a future date.