AN MP is holding a funding workshop for community groups and charities to find out more about how to apply for the National Lottery Community Fund.

The event will give communities more information about applying for a National Lottery grant and how the fund is supporting communities with the pressures of cost-of-living. Funding officer will be on hand and they are particular keen to speak to community groups who have never applied for a National Lottery grant before. The event's aim is to provide valuable advice and information to organisations in Alyn and Deeside.

Read more: 'Impact National Lottery funding has in Wrexham cannot be overstated'

The event will go into detail about the various funding programmes that the National Lottery Community Fund has to offer and the funding criteria and application process.

On June 30, 2023, the National Lottery Community Fund and Mark Tami MP will hold the funding workshop at Buckley Cross Methodist Church, from 10am

Mr Tami said: "Just since February, the National Lottery Community Fund has awarded £34,473 across five good causes in Alyn and Deeside.

Read more: National Lottery boost for Flintshire outdoors charity

"I've visited some of them and seen the difference their projects are making in our communities. That's why I'm hosting this workshop in order to raise awareness of the type of funding available, and to share tips on how to get the most out of each grant application. I urge all local charities to register for the event."

Funding, made possible thanks to National Lottery players, is available through two main programmes called National Lottery Awards for All and People and Places programmes.

National Lottery Awards for All awards up to £10,000 for a range of community projects, including projects that are responding to the cost-of-living.

People and Places awards up to £500,000 for communities to work together to make positive longer-term impacts on the things that matter to them.

If you wish to attend the event or want more information, contact