A Wrexham woman has been spared jail after police found she'd been involved in the supply of drugs.

Marika Hutchinson, of no fixed abode, appeared at Mold Crown Court via video link on Thursday morning from HMP Styal.

The 28-year-old had previously admitted offences of being concerned in the supply of cocaine, amphetamine and cannabis.

Anna Price, prosecuting, told the court the charges arose following police search warrants being executed at two flats in Daniels Drive, Ruabon, one of which was the address of the defendant and her two young children at the time.

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Found in the property in October 2021 were quantities of cannabis and amphetamine, as well as drug packaging for onward supply and scales.

Officers also discovered two mobile phones connected to Hutchinson, which showed numerous messages regarding the supply of drugs between July and October 2021.

But Ms Price said that in fairness to the defendant, it was apparent that Hutchinson had been acting under direction.

In limited submissions to the court - having heard from Judge Niclas Parry that he intended to impose a suspended sentence - Alun Williams, defending, told the court that his client had spent some five months on remand - the equivalent of a ten month custodial term.

The Judge told Hutchinson: "You were a small cog in that wheel - but an important cog.

"The other element of this is the fact your children were in a house where class A drugs were available.

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"Had they, out of curiosity, got hold of those - the consequences could have been dreadful.

"I accept you're genuinely remorseful and you have had your first taste of custody."

Acknowledging the progress the defendant had been making in custody, the Judge handed down a 16 month prison sentence but suspended it for two years.

The defendant must undertake 45 days of rehabilitation activity and pay a £159 victim surcharge.