MOTORISTS have been implored to not risk their lives and those of others by getting behind the wheel whilst over the limit.

The call comes from former Police Senior Superintendent, Force Training Commander and traffic specialist Arnold Wooley following the results from the national police initiative Operation Limit, which were published this week.

The operation is the latest to target drink and drug driving across England, Wales and Northern Ireland and revealed 8,713 positive results from those tested for drink and drug driving during the six week period which ran from November 21 to January 1.

Cllr Woolley, who also leads Buckley's Community Speedwatch Group, said the results didn't surprise him, adding: "It's sadly a growing trend; and that is a problem for sober, sane drivers.

READ MORE: Over 150 drink and drug drivers caught during north Wales campaign

"You don't know who is in front, behind or alongside you, and whether or not they are really with it.

"The other thing is the matter of insurance. These people had better have a long and careful look at their cover, because insurance companies wouldn't be shy in invalidating when they learn a nasty crash that's cost umpteen thousands of pounds and caused injury has been caused by wilful indulgence in narcotics.

"People shouldn't be doing it - it could ultimately result in fatality."

Each year policing intensifies activity around drink and drug driving over the Christmas period, focussing on increased numbers of roadside breath tests and drugs wipes, education and engagement with drivers and a call to report anyone suspected of driving under the influence.

In 2022, the number of roadside drug wipes in Operation Limit increased on previous years (6,273 in 2022 compared with 4,668 in 2021) with 53.6 per cent (3,361) of those drivers testing positive. 

52,667 roadside breath tests were undertaken with 10.2 per cent (5,352) of motorists testing positive, failing the test or refusing to undertake the test.

Nationally 79 per cent of offenders who tested positive for drink or drugs were male and 77 per cent were 25 years old and over.

A total of 66,014 vehicles were stopped during this period.

Jo Shiner, National Police Chiefs’ Council lead for roads policing, said: "Driving under the influence of drink or drugs is entirely unacceptable. It is one of the fatal five causes of road collisions that results in thousands of deaths each and every year.

READ MORE: Hundreds of drink and drug drivers caught during December in recent years

“Every time someone makes the decision to get behind the wheel after drinking alcohol or taking drugs they take their own life into their hands and risk the lives of many others.

"As police officers we see the pain and devastation experienced by individuals, families and communities who must deal with the awful consequences of those taking these selfish actions and we see it far too often.  

“This is about personal responsibility and everyone must be accountable. 

"It is not worth the risk and if you know anyone who is driving or intends to drive under the influence of drink or drugs, report them either to your local police or to Crimestoppers if you’d prefer to remain anonymous.”