A GENEROUS donation has secured braille signage for Wrexham AFC's Racecourse ground.

Supporters around the stadium may have seen the new signage in place during the course of the 22/23 season.

It was installed thanks to a donation from the Wrexham Disabled Supporters Association (DSA).

Wrexham DSA donated £612 towards the project, as well as £4,500 towards the cost of the new wheelchair user accessible away viewing platform, which opened for the 2022/23 campaign.

The braille signage was installed as part of the club's efforts towards making the Racecourse as inclusive and accessible as possible, and follows similar accessibility projects such as the high-contrast painting of steps and toilets in the Macron Stand.

The away platform, meanwhile, opened for the first time in July, provides away supporters with the chance to sit among their own supporters – and offers a superb view of the action from the Wrexham Lager Stand.


Sheffield United and Chesterfield were among the clubs Wrexham have so far been able to host on the platform, where previously their supporters would have had to have sat in among the home fans.

Wrexham AFC Disability Liaison Officer Kerry Evans met with Andy Pierce and Steve Gilbert from the Wrexham Disabled Supporters Association, to show them the new platform.

She said: “We are very proud of our efforts to make the Racecourse Ground accessible for all supporters, and thank the Wrexham DSA for their donations towards these two projects.

“They perfectly encapsulate what we are trying to achieve at Racecourse – from big-ticket projects, such as the new accessible away platform, to the more subtle touches like the braille signage, which not all supporters will necessarily notice but which make a big difference to those who need it.

“We have been pleased to be able to welcome away supporters to the new accessible viewing platform, which offers some incredible views of the action from the Wrexham Lager Stand.

“Those I have met with on match-days have been hugely complimentary of the Football Club, and we look forward to continuing to work with the Wrexham DSA to ensure the Racecourse Ground is accessible for all.”

Andy Pierce added: “The new away platform at The Racecourse Stadium is in our opinion fantastic, and everything we ever wanted it to be.

“Few stadiums in the country will be able to boast such high standard accessible viewing areas, even for home supporters, let alone away support, which is what makes the build all the more remarkable.

“At the time, we came in for a lot of criticism from some quarters when we opposed original plans for the viewing platform, which was to be sited in the corner of the stadium (pre-takeover), but we sincerely hope people now understand why we voiced our concerns, having seen this wonderful inclusive build that Wrexham AFC have delivered on.

“For removing seating to make way for wheelchair viewing platforms, at a time when stadium capacity is stretched to its absolute limit with unprecedented demand for tickets, Wrexham AFC and our new owners should be lauded and applauded, for their forward-thinking approach to accessibility and inclusion.

“Many thanks to Disability Liaison Officer Kerry Evans, for inviting us down and taking the time to show us around this exceptional facility.”