A "thoroughly unpleasant" man who hurled drunken abuse at the staff of a taxi firm has been fined.

Neil Bagnall, 37, appeared at Wrexham Magistrates Court on Tuesday.

After telling the court he did not have a fixed address, he admitted that he was guilty while drunk of disorderly behaviour in Abbot Street, Wrexham.

Prosecutor Rhian Jackson told the court that on May 5, at around 1.15am, police were alerted by security officers at Diamond Cabs in Abbott Street to Bagnall.

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He was being abusive to staff, calling them offensive names and making obscene gestures at them.

Police told him to move on, but he answered that he wasn't 'going anywhere,' and approached the police car window to ask "or what?"

He was pushed back to create space and prevent him from making any attempts of assault but continued to approach the officers.

Bagnall then stood in the middle of the road and refused to move, leading to his arrest.

The Leader:

Defending himself, Bagnall was asked whether he wished to say anything to the court about the offence.

He did not, but added: "I'll take the fine on the chin."

The defendant, labelled a "thoroughly unpleasant individual" by Deputy District Judge Lee Davies, was ordered to pay a £60 fine, £85 costs and a £24 victim surcharge.