A drunken man hurled abuse at police officers after reporting the theft of his bicycle, a court heard.

Craig Nikolic, of Grosvenor Road in Wrexham, appeared at Wrexham Magistrates Court on Tuesday.

The 48-year-old admitted that on April 22 at Wrexham, he used threatening or abusive words or behaviour, as well as damaging a police cell at Llay custody suite.

Rhian Jackson, prosecuting, told the court that following Wrexham AFC's promotion to the Football League, the centre of Wrexham was very busy.

Officers on duty had their attention drawn to a man near Ladbrokes, and as they approached he swung his arm in their direction, with a number of items leaving his hand.

The officers legs were struck by a number of coins.

Ms Jackson said Nikolic was drunk and abusive, and proceeded to call the officer abusive names.

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After refusing to leave the area, he was arrested and put in a cell at Llay, which he went on to damage by throwing wet tissue at the camera, spitting and throwing water and urine around.

The court heard the defendant, who had little to no recollection of the incident, had 34 previous convictions for 89 offences.

David Matthews, defending, said his client was remorseful for his behaviour and that he'd been "dependent on drugs for many years."

He added: "He's put this (his drug use) behind him with the assistance of various agencies, but had replaced it with an alcohol dependence.

"He realised his behaviour fell well below the standard expected."

Mr Matthews said the behaviour appears to be borne out of Nikolic reporting the theft of his bicycle to police, then becoming disappointed with the follow up.

Probation officer Pamela Roberts told the court: "He has a tendency to act impulsively without considering the consequences of his actions.

The Leader:

"It seems he acted out of frustration; he believed no action had been taken regarding his reported theft."

Deputy District Judge Paul Conlon handed down a 12 month community order with 10 days of rehabilitation activity and a month-long electronically monitored curfew.

Nikolic was ordered to pay £50 towards the cleaning of the cell, as well as a £114 victim surcharge.