FLINTSHIRE Foodbank has issued an appeal revealing they are 'desperately low' on stock. 

The initiative also revealed that for the first time in over a decade, they have no volunteers in the warehouse.

It comes as the nation faces a cost-of-living crisis with recent reports showing that a record number of food parcels were handed out in Flintshire last year. 

Figures from the foodbank revealed that 11,573 emergency food parcels were provided to people facing hardship across Flintshire in the last year – with 4,998 of these going to children.

In a social media post, a spokesperson for Flintshire Foodbank said: "We are so desperately low on our stock. Today is the first time in 12 years that we have no volunteers in our warehouse to sort through donations, as there is so little here.

"We have less than three weeks of stock left on the majority of our items and are completely out of others.


"We have put together our top six most urgently needed items. If you can help, we would be immensely grateful."

The top six items which the foodbank urgently requires are:

  • Beans
  • Tinned fish
  • Semi-skimmed milk
  • Toilet roll
  • Tinned ready meals
  • Tinned tomatoes

Anyone who is able to help the foodbank can do so by contacting 01352 757235 or emailing info@flintshire.foodbank.org.uk