RYAN REYNOLDS provided a typically hilarious response after Wrexham's Humphrey Ker received a crunching tackle in a football match.

The eyes of the world have been on all things Wrexham since Ryan and fellow actor and friend Rob McElhenney took over at the Racecourse in early 2021.

Back then, comedian and actor Ker was appointed executive director of Wrexham AFC and has since become a well-respected figure in the club's journey.

But, that apparently does not make him immune from being trolled by cheeky Deadpool star Ryan.

In a video shared on Twitter this week, Ker could be seen rolling around after a rather questionable challenge came in on him during a football match at the Racecourse.


The 40-year-old loses the ball and hits the deck following a tackle from Wrexham's video content creator Amy Davies.

The video captured by Claire Sarsfield has been viewed by 670,000 people on Twitter.

And Ryan couldn't resist having a cheeky pop at his fellow Wrexham AFC man.

He wrote: "I'm told he rolled for a good long while. Could someone please pick him up in Torquay?"

The tackle brought laughs from the stand, as well as calls of 'off, off, off'.

Alongisde the video on Twitter, culprit Amy Davies wrote: "Sliding @thehumphreyker into next season."

Ker added his own views, saying: "Really ugly scenes at the Racecourse this evening, as @amycdavies subjects me to a tackle that wouldn't have looked out of place in some sort of post-apocalyptic murderdome.

"When will the authorities step in and end her reign of terror?"