PARENTS in Wrexham are being warned by the council and police over 'dangerous' parking outside schools. 

The council says they are once again having to remind parents and carers to be aware of the rules of the road when dropping or picking up children outside their school in order to avoid a fine from council enforcement officers or local police officers who routinely patrol outside schools.

The warning comes following a very near miss at a local school caused by inconsiderate and illegal parking.

Both the council and police force have commented on the matter. 

Cllr Mark Pritchard, leader of the council, with responsibility for parking enforcement, said: “Parking during drop off and pick up times is a problem in many areas and I know officers will take enforcement whenever they see irresponsible parking.

"Outside schools there’s clear zig zags and often double yellow lines – it’s illegal to park on these and doing so, even if you’ll only be five minutes, could land you with a fine from the council or police, but worse than that you could be endangering a child’s life which no-one wants to be responsible for. Please park legally.”

Cllr Hugh Jones, lead member for environment, with responsibility for road safety, said: “Not only is parking at any time in restricted areas inconsiderate and illegal it’s hugely irresponsible and dangerous.


"They’re there to ensure children can cross safely. Parking on pavements and blocking residents access is both selfish and irresponsible and appropriate action will be taken against offenders.”

“Parents and carers must ensure their cars are parked legally at all times and if it’s difficult to find a space please park further away.”

The Leader: Inspector Luke Hughes.Inspector Luke Hughes.

Inspector Luke Hughes said: “Irresponsible parking outside schools makes it more difficult for children to be seen as they cross the road, increasing the chances of them being hurt.

“On occasions, it is necessary for people to park as close to the school as they can, for example, if they have a mobility issue. However many, if not most, are simply lazy and are putting their own convenience before the welfare of the children.

“Please park considerably and stop being selfish.”