THE SECOND annual Mold Community Awards has been held celebrating deserving people in the town.

The event was held at Mold Rugby Club (April 27) and acknowledged the outstanding contribution and commitment of groups or individuals living or working in Mold or supporting Mold residents.

The evening was hosted by the Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Mold and was attended by over 90 people who eagerly awaited the results as the winners were announced in each of the five categories and also the prestigious final award of the evening - the Mayor’s Choice Award.

Mayor of Mold Councillor Haydn Jones said: “The Community Awards evening is a firm favourite in the town council’s event calendar, it is such an inspirational evening, hearing how all our nominees have made a positive impact in our community.

"As my Mayoral term comes to an end, I can honestly say this evening has proved to be the highlight of my Mayoral year.

"I feel both proud and humbled to live and work in a town as caring and community minded as Mold.”

Deputy Mayor of Mold, Councillor Teresa Carberry added: “It was an absolute pleasure to attend the Mold Community awards.

"Mold is a great place to live because of people like this, giving up their own time and effort to help others through what has been the most difficult couple of years. It was a lovely evening celebrating our wonderful community.”


The Leader: Richard Spray and Jim Evans (pictured) were delighted to receive the Mayor’s Choice awardRichard Spray and Jim Evans (pictured) were delighted to receive the Mayor’s Choice award (Image: Mold Town Council)

Here is a round up of all the winners: 

Under 25 Volunteering Award - Sean Cliffe

Sean's fundraising efforts have been instrumental in bringing crucial resources to the community.

Notably, his dedication and hard work with Mold and Buckley Round Table have helped fund two defibrillators, providing life-saving equipment for local residents, his compassionate spirit was evident when he helped feed over 50 vulnerable people on Christmas Day.

Over 25 Volunteering Award - Phil Ellis

Phil project managed as well as being very hands on with the building of a new 150 seated stand, which as a result ensured Mold Alexandra FC would meet the league standards and avoid relegation.

Phil took on the project mainly on his own but he has been helped along the way by various other willing volunteers, who also gave up countless hours of their own time to work on the project including volunteering on his 70th birthday.

Community Project of the Year Award - The Men's Shed at Bailey Hill.

The Men’s Shed sessions take place in the medieval dell on Bailey Hill. No power tools, electricity or machinery is needed. Just patience and like-minded individuals to share the experience with.

The group has quickly formed a small supportive community, with participants helping each other out and occasionally even providing and cooking lunch for each other - there is never a shortage of homemade cake!

Sporting Achievement Award - Mold Rugby Club under 13's Management and Coaching Team.

The team provide superb coaching and promote the spirit of rugby whether winning or losing.

They encourage the boys to train and play hard but always with respect and discipline. The coaching team take an interest in every single player; identifying their strengths and challenging them to improve their skills. As a result there has been a vast improvement in players old and new.

Business of the Year winner - Cravin

One of Mold’s success stories, having started out on Mold market stall during Covid lock-down, due to their popularity, delicious bakes and daily, sometimes comical, video updates, they were soon in a position to open up their first bakery shop in July 2021.

Luke and Jamie-Lee Anderson the husband and wife team behind Cravin are fantastic ambassadors for the town, within their daily video updates they promote.

The Mayor’s Choice Award - Richard Spray and Jim Evans

Richard Spray has been volunteering with Mold Town Council for nearly 30 years and events in the town don’t happen without Richard, he’s first to arrive and last to leave.

Richard is always at his happiest when he is volunteering and is a very well known face about town as everyone always has very positive things to say about Richard.

Jim Evans has for many years been behind most if not all of the events that the town council either puts on directly or events that they support. Like Richard, Jim is often first on site in the morning and last to leave at the end of an event, he does not seek any recognition for his input, and he gets so much enjoyment out of the volunteering that he does.

Jim is also an amazing Father Christmas, he sits/stands for hours on end, listening to the children tell him their requirements for Christmas.

All winners received a special awards glass trophy and certificate.