Tailgating and other dangerous bad driving habits are reaching 'ridiculous' levels in Flintshire communities, it has been said.

The Leader has reported numerous times on the work of the Buckley Community Speedwatch team.

Over the course of four roadside sessions during April, the volunteers recorded 72 speeders in 30mph zones.

Of those, 70 were forwarded to GoSafe and will receive letters urging them to be better drivers.

And Arnold Wooley, who leads the team, said speeding isn't the only issue he and his colleagues have been seeing.

READ MORE: Buckley team clocks more than 1,300 speeders in 2022

He explained: "There has been a change in the way people are driving in general - and it's not just in Buckley either, it's all over the place.

"Tailgating in the 30 zones is getting ridiculous; that's something which can be lethal.

"People really should be applying the old wisdom of one vehicle length for every 10 miles per hour of speed.

"We flagged one man down because he had something loose flapping on his vehicle, and we said to him - you were a bit close to the car in front there.

"He said to us; well I've got ABS brakes, mate.

"The vehicle may have ABS brakes, but the brain in the head of the driver doesn't work that way and people seem to have forgotten this completely.

"It's an attitude of you're not going fast enough so I'm going to push you along; and they will be very lucky if they don't fail to put their foot on the brakes quick enough and end up in the back of the car in front of them.

READ MORE: Buckley speedwatch team records more than 150 speeders in February

"At that stage, the vehicles are in a catastrophic situation and people will be injured, or worse.

"A need to hurry is overriding common sense and safety."

Cllr Woolley said another dangerous behaviour his team has been observing is phone use behind the wheel, adding: "The number of people who pass us by whilst clutching a mobile phone to their ear is beyond belief - it's illegal and will get them a fine and points on their licence.

"The other thing we're seeing is the golden rule of not parking too close to junctions - nowadays that seems to be totally ignored and it creates dangers.

"We're seeing it all over the place and it doesn't matter where it is; it's dangerous and risky to drivers and pedestrians - particularly around schools."