THE mother and nan of 23-year-old Steven Wilkinson told a court of their heartbreak in the aftermath of his murder.

Jamie Mitchell, of Lexham Green Close in Buckley, received a life sentence for murdering Mr Wilkinson at Mold Crown Court on Thursday.

The court heard the 25-year-old had launched a cowardly attack with a blade after chasing his victim into Jubilee Court.

Speaking at the sentencing hearing, Mr Wilkinson's grandmother Jeanette Wilkinson said: "On October 4, 2022, my life was destroyed when my beloved grandson died.

"He never came home that night - nobody deserves to die such a painful death.

READ MORE: Murderer handed life sentence for cowardly knife attack on Buckley 23-year-old

"No grandmother should have to bury their grandchild but that is what I have had to do.

"I don't sleep, I don't eat and I don't want to get up in the morning.

"Every night for the last few months I have prayed to God that we get justice; I am so very proud to have been Steven's nan."

Lisa Wilkinson, the victim's mother, said: "I witnessed my son's gruesome painful death in front of me - something a mother should never have to see."

In her statement, read after that point by prosecuting counsel James Coutts, she continued: "My life has been ruined; it will never be the same again.

"Not only did I lose my son, I lost my best friend. My heart has been shattered to pieces.

"I cannot erase the memory of seeing my son die in front of me.

"The pain just eats and eats away at me - I'm not living any more without Steven.

"My heart aches continuously; he never got the opportunity to be a husband, a father or grandfather.

"I created Steven and he was the best thing I ever did in my life."

READ MORE: Family of murdered young man pay tribute and vow to fight against knife crime

She said her relationships had been "destroyed" and her mental health had been greatly affected by the crime.

Mr Wilkinson's family also spoke outside the court on the day Mitchell was found guilty - speaking of their interest in combatting knife crime.

A spokesman for the family said on that occasion: "We want to do all we can to get these knives off the streets. They are taking people's lives away."