A FLINTSHIRE community has stepped in to rescue the day after a post-box topper in honour of the King's coronation was stolen.

King Charles III will be crowned in Westminster Abbey at 11am on Saturday, May 6.

Ahead of the big occasion, a postbox topper adorned with knitted figures was placed upon the postbox outside the post office on Church Street in Flint.

That was designed by a number of knitters from across the country and organised by Nathan Griffiths.

Nathan has been coming up with ideas to spruce up the local postbox for a number of years - with a topper dedicated to Queen Elizabeth II being revealed their for the Jubilee just last year.

But sadly this year, the coronation-themed topper was vandalised and stolen.

The incident took place in the early hours of the morning of April 30 and has been reported to North Wales Police, who are investigating the incident.


Nathan said: "The original topper looked fantastic, I just don't know why someone would take it."

Luckily, the community of Flint rallied together and helped organise for a new topper to be put in place ahead of the coronation.

Nathan added: "We have a new one now which features King Charles III and Camilla.

"What a community Flint is coming together, we love the postbox toppers that the pensioners knit for us here. It's so sad that someone can do something like this."

Nathan added: "The original topper is sadly not retrievable but we are not going to let individuals ruin it for the majority."

The Leader:

PIC: Nathan Griffiths with the new post-box topper in Flint.

The toppers are all hand-knitted by pensioners of all ages, some with dementia, from all over the country.

They have become a mainstay within the Flint community over the last few years - marking many an occasion, including Remembrance Day. 

Nathan said: "They will often contact me asking what they can make next. They love me sending them pictures of their creations out on display."