THE BANK holiday weekend saw the Live on the Square festival make its annual return to Mold. 

It was an event which saw hundreds of residents descend upon Daniel Owen Sqaure to enjoy a day of live music. 

The day simply would not have been possible without the many volunteers who gave up their time to help make the event a success. 

It was reported last week that members of Mold Town Council's event organising committee expressed concern for the future of such events due to the dwindling numbers of volunteers and that this could potentially throw future events in doubt, with a spokesperson for the council claiming that there are 'insufficient numbers coming forward'.

Live on the Square was a perfect example of the community coming together to deliver something memorable and showed exactly why volunteering helps leave behind a feel-good factor.


From collecting tickets, to offering help and information, there were so many roles which volunteers took up at the weekend as the community pulled together to create an enjoyable day of fun in Mold.

Speaking at the music festival which took place on Sunday, (April 30) Mold Town Councillor, Sarah Jane Taylor said: "We have such good fun doing these events and we know what they mean to the people of Mold, but it does need everyone's commitment to get involved.

"If everyone just gives an hour, many hands make light work! 

"Don't be afraid to come forward, you don't need any special skills, sometimes it can just be sitting at a desk taking the tickets. There's loads and loads of work that goes on for months and months behind the scenes but we've got a small committee of only about five people actually, who put this event together.

"What we need on the day for events like these are bodies on the ground. It might just be doing a bit of litter picking, it might be making sure there's toilet rolls in the toilet, just being a general presence by giving people directions, telling them what's happening.

"I just get a real buzz out of feeling that I've done something positive for my community. I hope there's people out there to do this when my grandkids grow up as well."

Anyone who can help at upcoming events is urged to contact