A Llangollen journalist has been recognised as a Local Media Champion in 10 Downing Street as part of a UK-wide event.

Phil Robinson, who runs Llanblogger, was invited by Clwyd South MP Simon Baynes to the event on Wednesday, April 19 to mark his local news efforts.  

Phil has been a journalist for 54 years, and 11 years ago he founded Llanblogger, the community and news blog for his hometown of Llangollen and the surrounding area. Llanblogger has since become highly regarded and influential, and its coverage of local news and events are widely appreciated by the community.

The reception celebrated the important role that local media plays in communities across the United Kingdom. Phil Robinson’s work is a shining example of this, and it was a good opportunity for him to be recognised for his remarkable work in Clwyd South. It was a pleasure for Simon Baynes MP to introduce him to the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport, Rt Hon Lucy Frazer MP.

Mr Robinson said: “It was a most unexpected but very welcome acknowledgement of my work in local journalism over many years including founding and running Llangollen's news blog since 2012. Taking a look inside that amazing building was also a memorable experience.

"There was a large number of members of the local media present from all parts of the country and representing all sections from local weekly newspapers to regional radio station and, of course, news bloggers like myself.


"The Secretary of State was glowing in her praise of the local media who she said play an essential role in the democratic process of the country by keeping their readers informed of what their respective MPs are doing both in their constituencies and Parliament.”

MR Baynes MP said: “I was delighted to invite Phil Robinson to 10 Downing Street to celebrate his incredible achievements in journalism.

"His commitment to the community of Llangollen is truly remarkable, and his work on Llanblogger has had a significant impact on the area. It was an honour to introduce him to the Secretary of State and to have the chance to recognize his outstanding contribution to local media.”