FLINTSHIRE Council has reaffirmed its commitment to growing trees for a greener tomorrow.

In 2018, Flintshire Council launched its first Urban Tree and Woodland Plan which sets out a strategic vision for the planting of trees across the county, particularly focussing on urban areas with the hope of achieving an urban canopy cover of 18% by the end of 2023.

To support delivery of the urban tree and woodland plan, Flintshire Council has successfully obtained grant funding from Welsh Government through the Local Places for Nature fund to create greener connections through the county, with the vision of improving green spaces for people and nature. 

Urban canopy cover in Flintshire is currently the seventh lowest in Wales, covering 14.5%. 

To achieve their target of 18% canopy cover by 2033, the council has spent the past year working with local councils, communities and schools to identify and agree a number of urban sites for tree planting.

Throughout the tree planting season, the council has carried out substantial new tree planting in conjunction with maintaining existing canopy cover by providing replacement planting where tree removal is necessary.

The Leader:

Flintshire Council is also committed to the development of a Flintshire Forest.

Pupils from schools across the county have also been giving staff a helping hand to plant over 2,500 whips creating over 500m of new hedgerows during planting events. 


One of those schools which has been helping out in efforts for a greener future in the community is Sandycroft CP.

Headteacher, Andy Liptrot said he was delighted to be a part of the initiative: "At Sandycroft CP School we are delighted to be part of the biodiversity project supported by Flintshire County Council.

"The hedgerow we have had planted in school will help develop our school environment and habitat.  It forms part of our school commitment to developing our school grounds by encouraging wildflowers, plants, insects and animals in our school grounds.

"Thank you to Flintshire County Council for supporting our school”.

If your town or community is interested in tree planting, then contact biodiversity@flintshire.gov.uk to discuss it further. Sites will be prioritised by potential level of benefit to the community and nature. 

Cllr David Healy, lead member for environment added: “I am pleased to see great progress being made to achieve the targets set out in the Urban Tree and Woodland Plan.

"The work that’s been undertaken is of huge importance, delivering multiple benefits for both nature and our communities. I would like to thank all the volunteers involved”.