A WREXHAM man who embarked on a 'dreadfully serious example' of domestic abuse against a former partner has avoided a jail sentence.

Luke Brown, 24, of Monmouth Road, appeared before Mold Crown Court for sentencing on Monday, April 24 having previously pleaded guilty to engaging in controlling/coercive behaviour.

David Mainstone, prosecuting, told the court how the abuse began 'just weeks' after  Brown and his ex-partner - Seren Price - had moved in with one another in 2019, following the birth of their child.

Mr Mainstone said that the 'first punch' took place following an argument about which bottle they should use to feed the child.

Following on from that, when the defendant's family came to visit the pair's home, Ms Price was punched in the ribs.

She was also told to 'smile, you ungrateful cow' by the defendant, after being given a gift from the family.

Later that same day, she was punched in the face by Brown who told her to 'never be rude to my family again'.

Mr Mainstone told the court that the abuse became more and more frequent over time.

During one incident, Brown had punched his ex-partner in the face, before kicking her in the ribs repeatedly, stamping on her legs and pulling her by the hair towards the washing machine, which he then banged her head against.

The police were called that time after a neighbour had heard the complainant 'screaming', the court was told.

However, Brown told her - whilst holding a knife to her throat - 'say anything and I will kill you'. Ms Price then told officers who arrived at the house that it was her fault.

He was described by his ex-partner as being 'red-faced with bulging eyes' during that incident.

After that, the campaign of abuse took place on a 'weekly basis', the court was told before later taking place even more frequently.

Mr Mainstone said that when Ms Price had joked about Brown proposing to her on her 21st birthday in September 2020, it had led to him leaving her with a 'bruise to her face'.

In another incident, he had held her head under water, the court heard.

A separate argument had led to Brown holding Ms Price up against the wall by her throat, with Brown's own mother having to intervene.

On March 5, 2021, the complainant recorded an example of the abuse she faced at the hands of her former partner via her phone, and this was played in court.

It was said that she later confided to a work colleague about what was going on and that this helped lead to Brown's eventual arrest.

During interview on April 9, 2021, he denied using any physical violence against Ms Price.

In a victim personal statement read out in court, Brown's ex-partner said the abuse had left her feeling as though she is 'always in pain' and 'still struggles to sleep'.

Henry Hills, defending Brown said that the defendant 'understands the serious nature of this offence'.

He added that Brown's offending had been linked to 'psychological problems' and that his 'inability to manage his anger' was likely down to him having ADHD and autism.

Mr Hills explained that Brown has since entered a relationship with his new partner and the pair have a child together who has 'complex medical needs'.


Judge Niclas Parry took that into consideration when passing down the sentence in this case, adding that it was a 'very difficult choice' for the court to make.

Judge Parry labelled the incidents carried out by Brown as a 'dreadfully serious example of the kind of suffering that goes on behind closed doors'.

He handed down a two year sentence, which was suspended for a period of two years.

Brown will have to carry out 150 hours of unpaid work, as well as 35 hours of rehabiliation activity.

An indefinite restraining order was also imposed, denying Brown any contact with his ex-partner.