A MAN cornered his former friend in an alleyway before fatally stabbing him in the chest, a court heard.

Jamie Mitchell, of Lexham Green Close in Buckley, appeared at Mold Crown Court on Monday to begin his trial.

The 25-year-old had denied murdering 23-year-old Steven Wilkinson at a previous hearing.

Michael Jones KC set out an overview of the facts for Jurors.

He explained how at one time, the defendant and victim had been friends, but this ended when Mitchell started a relationship with Mr Wilkinson's sister Jessica in December 2020.

An "animosity" developed between the two, he said.

The relationship between Jessica and the defendant ended around a year later, but seemed to have rekindled on the day Mr Wilkinson was killed as she was at his property in the hours leading up to the fatal incident.

During the evening of October 4, a window at the property was smashed - seemingly part of ongoing "aggressive behaviour" from Jessica's then-partner and friends towards the defendant's home, where he lived with his mother.

Mitchell took up a kitchen knife which he'd hidden under some clothes in his room and went out into the centre of Buckley, "clearly in search of those he thought responsible."

He came across Mr Wilkinson, who had been walking near Home Bargains car park with a friend after a night out and chased him into Jubilee Road whilst brandishing the blade.

Mitchell chased the victim into an alleyway, where he discovered the door at the other end was locked and he was trapped.

The next part of the incident was captured on CCTV in audio alone - with Mr Wilkinson crying out.

Mitchell ran back the way he had come but was challenged by one of the victim's friends who asked him what was going on.

The defendant "showed no concern" and made no attempt to help. He stared at the friend "blankly" before leaving the scene.

Initially, the victim was still on his feet and attempting to wrap a t-shirt around the "catastrophic injury" on the left side of his chest like a bandage. But he collapsed and his breathing became laboured, and his pulse weakened.

Despite the best efforts of Mr Wilkinson's friends, then paramedics and hospital staff, he was pronounced dead at 11.43pm.

A post mortem examination concluded a stab wound at a depth of six to seven inches had been inflicted - penetrating the lung and heart, thereby causing rapid death as a result of "circulatory collapse."

Mitchell returned to his home, where he'd left Jessica.

RECAP: Man begins trial after denying murder of Steven Wilkinson in Buckley

He was physically shaking and told her: "I've stabbed Steve, he's really hurt."

But he wouldn't elaborate further. Jessica alerted her family and whilst searching for him, they followed an ambulance to the scene of the stabbing.

Mitchell was arrested but gave "no comment" answers to each of the questions police had for him.

He later put forward in a defence statement that he admitted leaving the house armed with a knife and that he gave chase to the victim.

But he claimed the victim had run at him and the two collided, with the knife Mitchell was holding "accidentally" entering Mr Wilkinson's chest.

He claimed to have "no intention" of stabbing him but sought to protect himself.

Mr Jones KC said the account was not accepted by the prosecution, telling jurors: "This defendant cornered and intentionally stabbed [Mr Wilkinson] before walking away and doing nothing whatsoever to help him or raise alarm.

The Leader:

"In doing so, we say he obviously had the intention to at least cause him serious harm, if not his death.

"We say this defendant is guilty of murder."

The trial continues.