A MOTORIST who drinks "at least six pints a day" and uses cocaine several times a week was told he's lucky he hasn't killed someone.

Tom Redman, of Church View in Chirk, appeared at Wrexham Magistrates Court on Tuesday for sentence.

The 29-year-old had previously admitted three counts of drug-driving - all of which happened in Chirk on October 28.

Prosecutor Justin Espie told the court that at around 9pm, officers saw a Vauxhall motor vehicle reversing out of a bay in Co-op's car park.

The driver, Redman, appeared to have spotted the police and moved back in, which raised suspicions.

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Redman took a roadside drugs swipe, which gave a positive result.

He later gave the following evidential readings per litre of blood: 5.4 microgrammes of cannabis (the limit being 2), 47 microgrammes of cocaine (the limit being 10) and more than 400 microgrammes of benzoylecgonine, the limit for that substance being 50.

Probation officer Andrew Connah told the court: "He fully accepts responsibility for this offence, and tells me he intended to drive a short half mile to the shops.

"He does use cocaine on a regular basis and had also been drinking at the time, but claimed to feel ok to be driving.

"He very much regrets his behaviour and appears remorseful for his actions."

Mr Connah said the defendant uses cocaine three to four times a week and would do so more were it not for the cost.

He also has alcohol issues, Mr Connah explained, and drinks "at least six pints a day."

Melissa Griffiths, defending, told the court: "He has had long-standing issues with cocaine but has made appointments with local organisations to get help with his drug misuse."

Deputy District Judge John Rowan told the defendant: "It's surprising given the amount of alcohol you're drinking and using cocaine three to four times a week that you've not come before the courts much sooner - and that you haven't killed anyone.

"Driving under the influence to the level you were is extremely risky activity.

"All it takes is a lapse in concentration for those drugs to to significantly affect you to seriously injure or kill yourself or others.

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The Leader:

"You have drink and drug issues, I accept that and you are dealing with that. But don't get behind the wheel and put other people at risk."

Redman was handed a 12 month community order with 15 rehabilitation activity days and a six month drug rehabilitation requirement.

He was also handed a two year driving ban, £85 costs and a £114 victim surcharge.