AN EX-ARMY tank crewman punched a taxi after drinking "to excess" at a family funeral, a court heard.

Josh Frost, of Oak Close in Summerhill, appeared at Wrexham Magistrates Court on Tuesday.

The 27-year-old admitted that on January 9 at King Street in Wrexham, he damaged a Ford Transit and used threatening or abusive words or behaviour.

He also admitted that on that occasion, he was in possession of cocaine.

Justin Espie, prosecuting, told the court that at around 10.30pm, Frost attended a taxi office whilst "extremely intoxicated."

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He asked for a taxi home, but owing to his level of intoxication he was asked to pay up front.

Frost didn't have the means to pay, but got into a taxi anyway.

And when he was told to get out, he punched the driver door under the window, asking the driver: "Do you want me to punch you also?"

The defendant was picked up by a taxi driver and driven to Wrexham Police Station, where he was arrested.

There, he was found to have a packet of white powder in his possession - which turned out to be drugs.

Patrick Geddes, defending, told the court his client - a former Army tank crewman - had "no excuse" for his behaviour.

But by way of explanation, he explained: "He'd been at the funeral of a family member. Emotions were high and alcohol was consumed.

"Had he not drunk to excess, he would not have reacted as he did.

"He tells me the cocaine was from a wedding in the summer last year, which is when he last wore that suit."

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Deputy District Judge John Rowan told the defendant: "That night you behaved, as you hopefully now recognise, completely disgracefully.

"Taxi drivers are there to perform a service to the public, not to be verbally abused and have their taxis damaged by you."

Frost was ordered to pay £480 in compensation, a £200 fine, an £80 victim surcharge and £85 costs.