Flintshire foodbank have launched an urgent appeal for ready meal donations including, chilli, chicken and Fray Bentos pies. 

With the cost of living crisis causing a significant impact on food prices, bills, and inflation, many foodbanks across the country have seen an increase in the amount of people accessing their services.

Flintshire foodbank saw a 22 percent increase in October of last year, in comparison to the last two years.

READ MORE: Foodbank struggling to cope with demand as daunting winter looms

Between April 2021 and March 2022, the foodbank provided food to 7,791 people, 3,412 of those were children.

Around 60 volunteers give their time to the foodbank every week, whether that be in the warehouse, at the sites across the region, or in the trucks collecting and delivering the food. 


99% of food delivered to the foodbank is donated, which considering the pressures people are under is staggering and highlights the caring nature of the borough. 

Those donations are collected at various points in the area (supermarkets, donation points etc.) and dropped off at the warehouse. 

A team of volunteers will then dissect every donation, meticulously dating each donation, before storing it alongside similar foods. 

In a recent update, from April 4, the foodbank announced it was completely out of ready meals. 

The foodbank are looking for tinned ready meals such as; chilli, chicken in sauce, Fray Bentos pies, tinned meat, hot dogs or curry. 

A representative from the food bank said: "If you are able to help, we would be very grateful."