A LLANGOLLEN man is planning to do a solo 500-mile charity walk to raise money for a hospital’s specialist children’s unit. 

Gary Fletcher, 44, aims to trek through France and Spain along the famous Camino De Santiago Pilgrim Trail.  

He reckons it will take him between six and eight weeks, dependent on the weather or any injuries he might sustain along the way. 

Gary aims to raise at least £10,000 for the Movement Centre at the Robert Jones & Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic Hospital in Gobowen, but has ambitions to raise more than £100,000. 

Ahead of the bruising trail, Gary has set up a GoFundMe page to help keep track of donations.

He said: “I really need to get this out there as much as possible to raise as much as I can for the centre and the children it treats.   

“I have wanted to do something to help children in our country for some time. With the centre I have found the perfect charity to support as it relies solely on donations and private fundraising to continue its work supporting children of all ages with mobility issues. 


“The work it does includes physiotherapy and other treatments to help young patients some of whom are taught how to communicate through movement with their parents and family. 

“Others may have prosthetic limbs or debilitating illnesses which require constant ongoing treatment from the centre. 

“The centre is one of very few in the UK that provides this kind of support and treatment and is life-changing in so many ways for children and their families.” 

Gary revealed he would be posting updates of the trek on social media throughout his time on the trail, he added: “I am in constant contact with the centre, and I am due to meet with more children there to learn about their disabilities and the treatments. 

“So far I have raised £315 both online and cash donations.  

"I have set the target to £10,000, but I ambitiously aim to raise £100,000 over the course of the next three months.  

“I anticipate donations to really take off once I am on the trail and will post daily photos and videos showing my progress to various media channels. This will include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.”