Wrexham's Carnival of Words - Elen Caldecott's Big Stories

Elen Caldecott is a children's author, a lecturer in creative writing and a Patron of Wrexham's Carnival of Words. Elen will be leading three writing workshops throughout the month of April, so why not join us for an exciting opportunity to see your work in print. In these sessions, she will encourage participants to begin writing a poem or story inspired by Wrexham and its wider community. From this beginning, your piece will be edited for inclusion in a printed anthology. All participants will receive one free copy of the finished collection. To take part, participants should have access to an email address, a computer and internet access. For children, that email should belong to a parent or carer. To enrol on these exciting sessions please contact the library directly. Elen will contact you before and after the event, by email, to explain how the editing process will work. By signing up for this event, you are consenting to being contacted. The sessions will take place on:

  • Saturday, April 1, Cefn Mawr Library (01978 820938), 10.30-noon: Families (suitable for children aged 7+ and their parents/carers).
  • Saturday, April 15, Wrexham Library (01978 292090), 10.30-noon: Adults (participants should be aged 16+).
  • Saturday, April 22, Brynteg Library (01978 759523), 10.30-noon: Families (suitable for children aged 7+ and their parents/carers).

Time to Remember at Ruabon and Rhos libraries

Join us at Ruabon and Rhos libraries to share your memories, reminisce with books and music, try out our new activities and meet and chat with others. Time to Remember at Ruabon Library will take place on the third Wednesday of the month at 2pm, with the next session on Wednesday, March 15. Reminisce will take place at Rhos Library on the third Friday of the month at 11am with the next session on March 17. Refreshments will be available and individuals, families and carers will be very welcome. Call 01978 822002 for more details.

Don't forget…we've gone Fines Free!

You will no longer be fined if your library items are late back, however you still need to renew your books if you are not able to return them on time, and if you've not returned them after 90 days then you will be billed a replacement cost of the item. You will still be able to renew your books twice if you cannot get in or you haven't finished with them and again we would encourage you to do this. If you have books which you have had for a while we would really appreciate their return. Please note, that your book will no longer be automatically renewed.

March is Women's History Month

Wrexham Library is honouring the trailblazing women in history who paved the way for others during Women's History Month. The strong female characters in Jane Austin's works helped shape the literary world and inspired many future novels. Helena Kelly uncovers a radical, spirited and politically engaged Austin in her book Jane Austin the Secret Radical. Hugh Small presents a compelling psychological portrait of Florence Nightingale in A Brief History of Florence Nightingale, a woman whose wartime nursing experiences brought about lifesaving public health reforms at home. Catherine Whitlock's 10 Women Who Changed Science and the World tells the story of 10, mostly 20th century scientists, who helped to shape our world with their extraordinary breakthroughs and inventions. International Women's Day also falls during March, on March 8 so come along to Wrexham Library and discover something new about some of the most inspiring women in history.

Flying Start/Chatterbox at Brynteg Library

Are you eligible for Flying Start Families? If so why not come along to Brynteg Library's weekly story song and rhyme sessions for Flying Start parents and children aged 0-2 years. It's never too young to sing and share a story with your child, it encourages speech, listening and social skills. For more details contact the library on 01978 759523.

Book Review

Darogan gan Siân Llywelyn

Darogan by Siân Llywelyn

Darogan by Siân Llywelyn

Mewn lleoliad anhysbys yn Nolgellau mae pencadlys Darogan; asiantaeth gudd sy'n ymchwilio i ddigwyddiadau anesboniadwy a goruwchnaturiol. Wrth i Beca a Taran Fôn gydweithio i geisio datrys sawl dirgelwch, maent yn cael eu tynnu'n ôl i orffennol dyrys Cymru, ac yn darganfod nad o'r tu allan yn unig mae'r bygythiad.

Darogan gan Siân Llywelyn

In an anonymous location in Dolgellau is the headquarters of a secret agency that is investigating unexplained, supernatural events. As Beca and Ceri Fôn co-operate to try to solve the mystery, they are drawn into the entangled past of Wales, and learn that it's not from the outside only that danger lurks.