MORE than 150 speeding motorists were clocked by Buckley volunteers in February.

The Buckley Community Speedwatch team carried out 11 roadside sessions throughout February, with a total of 74 volunteer hours recorded.

During the month, the team recorded 152 speeders, of which 141 were reported to GoSafe and will receive letters urging them to be more careful drivers.

The highest speed recorded was 57 miles per hour on the A5119 at New Brighton (a 30 mile per hour zone.)

Cllr Arnold Woolley, who leads the group, said: "There are always oddities - where we are very certain about what we saw on the number plate and what kind of vehicle it was, but the records tell us the number plate belongs to something entirely different.

"So the issue of cloned vehicles looms - and we're not the only area finding that.

READ MORE: Buckley team clocks more than 1,300 speeders in 2022

"One suspects there are nefarious goings on."

By comparison to last month's figures, in February 2022 the team was at the roadside on eight occasions - accumulating 50 hours of work, recording 111 speeders and reporting 110 of those to GoSafe.

Cllr Woolley has urged motorists to take care over their speed, adding: "My view is that driving is a responsibility - it's not a game to be played for pleasure.

"It's not a liberty - it's a responsibility which needs to be carefully exercised.

"Drivers need to remember they are in charge of a lethal piece of machinery and they have to be aware of the hazards."