POLICE are increasing patrols in the Holywell area to help tackle an issue with off-road bikes.

North Wales Police say that they have received reports of the bikes being ridden on the Holway and surrounding areas.

They are appealing to anyone with any pictures or footage of off-road bikes being ridden 'anti-socially' in the area to come forward.

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PCSO Jessica Williams said: "I am part of the local Neighbourhood Policing Team in Holywell, we are receiving reports of Off Road Bikes being ridden on the Holway and surrounding areas.

"We are taking positive action by increasing our patrols in the area and leasing with the local camera systems to capture any footage we can to be able to take further action. 

"Can I please ask that if you have any footage or images of any off road bikes that are being ridden antisocially in the area of Holywell and surrounding, please forward them on to myself."