POLICE have made a number of arrests following a police operation in Flintshire on Tuesday (February 28). 

Four people have been arrested for drugs offences as a result of a joint police operation in Flintshire North.

Officers from North Wales Police worked with colleagues from Merseyside Police as part of Operation Medusa, which tackles county lines and drug supply in North Wales.

The four people arrested remain under investigation.

Further people were arrested for road traffic offences as well as several positive stop searches for drugs possession.


Chief Inspector Emma Parry said: “We continue to target those involved in County Lines drugs supply that has a significant impact on the communities of North Wales.

“We are determined to work with Merseyside Police and other forces across the UK to disrupt those involved in organised crime.

“They do not respect borders, the communities they bring harm and misery to, or the vulnerable people they exploit in the pursuit of illegal proceeds of crime.

“We value any information from our communities and take any concerns raised seriously.

“I would urge the community to pass on any information they have in relation to drug supply in Flintshire North to police via our website, by calling 101, or anonymously via Crimestoppers.”