THE lead singer of Declan Swans has revealed that news of the band being chosen as the opening act for the upcoming Kings of Leon gigs at the Racecourse came as a surprise.

The Wrexham-based band, made up of Ben Jones, Mark Jones and Michael Hett, have been performing together for over 20 years.

And whilst last year was massive for the trio, this year looks like being the most memorable one yet for them.

That is because they have been chosen to be the opening act when American rock legends Kings of Leon come to Wrexham AFC's home ground on May 27 and 28.

And the band's lead singer, Michael Hett, told the Leader that it wasn't until the social media posts about the shows went up that they realised who they would be opening for!

READ MORE: 'It was all quite emotional' - Declan Swans singer on 'Welcome to Wrexham' and cancer battle

Michael, who is also known as 'Scoot', added: "We'd had a promoter getting in touch with us telling us to keep those dates in May free. We didn't know what it was for, but were told it would be 'massive'.

"I actually only found out that it was going to be Kings of Leon when I was in the Turf (pub). A Canadian fan there showed me the announcement on his phone and I just couldn't believe it.

"It's still sinking in to be honest, I didn't sleep at all that night. We've had so many messages of support, it's all so surreal and we're just so grateful to have even been considered."

Michael was one of several Wrexham residents who appeared in the 'Welcome to Wrexham' documentary which first aired on Disney Plus last year.

Episode five begins with the band rehearsing their 'Always Sunny In Wrexham' hit, which has now become a huge part of the matchday atmosphere at Wrexham AFC.

The Leader:

PIC: It's very exciting times ahead for Declan Swans!

But things take a much sadder turn when it later turns its attention to Michael's cancer battle.

He bravely opens up on going through chemotherapy (between August and November 2021) after a tumour was discovered on his colon.

In a scene filmed in his home along with wife Wendy, he tells her, while drawing up a bucket list, that 'seeing Wrexham get promoted back to the football league' is at the top of that list.

Asked about what it means to him as a life-long Wrexham fan to now have the chance to perform at the Racecourse, Michael said: "Obviously we've played at the Turf and the Centenary and all that plenty of times but to actually play on the home ground is going to be unbelievable.

"For Wrexham to get a band like Kings of Leon here shows how Wrexham is changing and that's all down to the influence of Ryan (Reynolds) and Rob (McElhenney). They're probably one of the top 10 bands in the world.

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"Hopefully, the gigs will also be a sort of promotion party for if and when Wrexham go up come the end of the season. If we don't go up, it'll still be great, but if we are promoted it's going to be one big party."

Michael added: "We don't even know what the plans are yet, or what the capacity is going to be even, or whether or not other bands will also be taking part.

"But I do know it's going to be about four times bigger than anything else we've ever done before and we can't wait for it!"