RAMBLERS groups across Wales are set to host walks as part of celebrations for this year's International Women's Day.

A women-only nine-mile walk up Moel Findeg to the southwest of Mold will be held on Sunday, March 5.

It is hoped the introductory walk will provide an opportunity for women who might not feel as comfortable to start walking in a mixed group. The walks are organised by experienced walk leaders and allow for plenty of time to take in the scenery and maybe even a picnic stop.

Shirley Fermor, from the Clwydian Ramblers who are running the walk, said: "We want to encourage more women and a wider diversity of women to join Ramblers walks to enjoy the outdoors in good company.

Check out more walks:

"We are a sociable bunch and hope that the walk will give a bit of a feel for what we do. Being a member of the Ramblers is also a really good way of making new friends."

Angela Charlton, director of Ramblers Cymru, said: "Women are the driving force for many of our volunteer groups, undertaking lots of roles from path maintenance to walk leading, but we believe that there are many women out there who would like to go out and explore but don't know where or don't feel comfortable to do so on their own.

"Being part of a group can really help you become more confident exploring the outdoors and it's great for your health and wellbeing too."

These walks have been organised to give women the opportunity to have a 'taster' walk and get to know their local group.

Find out more information about the walk visit https://bit.ly/3Yb5nNR or https://www.ramblers.org.uk/clwydian.