A WREXHAM woman was left shocked at a stranger's random act of kindness towards her at a supermarket. 

Barbara Davies was at the checkout at the Lidl store on Salop Road when it occurred. 

The 67-year-old explained: "I was a bit flustered as I think I kept getting the pin wrong. It then said my card had been blocked for security reasons.

"The items cost over £58 and I only had £45 in cash on me. When I was about to return some items, a man about two customers back in the queue totally shocked me when he said he wanted to pay for my shopping."

The kind stranger paid for Barbara's shopping - and refused to take the £45 in cash that she offered him.

She said: "It didn’t seem to be a big thing to him, but I was left speechless by it all. To have something so kind done for you really leaves you feeling quite emotional. He is such a nice and kind young man."


After Barbara posted about the kind gesture on a Wrexham social media group - she was informed who the kind stranger was. He wishes to remain anonymous.

Barbara said "it really made me smile" and added she would pay the money back to a food bank and help someone else. 

Comments praising the man for his actions flooded in on the post on social media - with it being liked and shared over 1,000 times. 

One person said: "There are still some lovely people around. I had something similar happen to me a while ago in Asda and a lovely couple insisted on paying my bill.

"They wouldn't give their name or phone number for me to arrange to pay them back. So kind of them."

Others described it as "lovely" and a "fabulous gesture".