A MAN who repeatedly raped a young girl over a number of years has been put behind bars.

David Pethig, of Bryn Coed in Gwersyllt, appeared at Mold Crown Court for sentence on Wednesday.

The 67-year-old had previously admitted a series of sex offences spanning several years, starting in the 1980s.

Brian Treadwell, prosecuting, told the court Pethig raped his young victim, as well as subjecting her to all manner of sexual assaults.

Years later, he implored the victim not to report the abuse, telling her: "Please keep it to yourself - if you tell, I will go to prison and I won't survive that."

But the court heard his contact "emboldened" her to speak out, which led to him being investigated.

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In a victim impact statement, read to the court by Mr Treadwell, the victim said the crimes had seriously impacted her life, psychologically and physically.

Describing the defendant as a "horrible predator," she said: "It made me want to die.

"I've missed out on so much."

Mr Treadwell told the court that in 2011, Pethig was convicted of making indecent images.

Philip Tully, defending, said: "Nothing I say should be taken in any way to dilute the seriousness of the offences and the impact and upset of the victim in this case.

"It's clear Mr Pethig accepts he became sexually attracted to this victim, and his behaviour was wrong.

"He wishes to express his remorse, and to say sorry for the overwhelming pain he has caused her.

"He wishes he could turn back the clock and act differently. He is ashamed of his conduct."

Judge Niclas Parry told the defendant: "This is a case about the total ruination of your victim's childhood - resulting from your depraved, sexual behaviour.

"[It] is awash with aggravating features. The effect on her has been severe.

"It can only be described as a campaign of rape."

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The Leader:

After giving Pethig credit for his guilty pleas, the Judge handed down a sentence of 19 years; made up of an 18 year custodial element and a 12 month extended licence period.

He must serve two thirds of the custodial element before he can be considered for release on licence by the parole board.

The Judge imposed an indefinite restraining order to protect the victim.