INCREASED police patrols have been introduced in a Flintshire town where anti-social behaviour is said to be on the rise.

Last month, the Leader reported on issues arising in the retail park area of Flint.

At the time, North Wales Police (NWP) said they would also be 'working with local businesses to identify those involved'.

Now, NWP say they have ramped up their neighbourhood policing patrols of the area in order to deter the 'increase' in anti-social behaviour.

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A statement from PCSO Tom Hulse on the NWP Community Alerts page read: "We are currently seeing an increase in antisocial behaviour in the area especially around the retail park and surrounding streets.

"The neighbourhood policing team have increased their patrols in the area to try and tackle the issue."

If you witness any anti-social behaviour in the area, you can report it via 101.